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- /* Copyright © 1989 Farallon Computing, Inc */
- #include "Sound.h"
- #include "DialogUtils.h"
- #define NIL 0
- /* dialog items */
- enum
- {
- dDone = 1,
- dRecord,
- dPlay,
- dModemPort,
- dPrinterPort
- };
- main()
- {
- DialogPtr myDialog;
- short itemHit = 0;
- Handle theSound = 0;
- short whichPort;
- InitMac(); /* initialize managers */
- /* no main event loop - just put up a modal dialog */
- myDialog = GetNewDialog( 128, 0, -1);
- /* do initialization for the dialog */
- OutlineDefaultButton( myDialog);
- whichPort = modemPort; /* default value */
- SetRadioButton( myDialog, dModemPort); /* place bullet in radio button */
- /* disable play until we get a sound to play */
- UnHiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dPlay);
- /* now ready to run the dialog */
- while( itemHit != dDone)
- {
- ModalDialog( NIL, &itemHit);
- switch( itemHit)
- {
- case dRecord:
- /* first, dispose of previous sound, if any */
- if (theSound != 0)
- DisposHandle( theSound);
- /*
- ** UnHiliteDialogItem buttons while recording
- */
- UnHiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dRecord);
- UnHiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dPlay);
- /* get largest possible handle while leaving 2K around */
- theSound = GetBigHandle( 2);
- if (theSound == 0)
- {
- SysBeep(1); /* could not get the memory */
- }
- else
- {
- short result;
- /*
- ** note:
- ** Record() will shrink the size of the
- ** Sound Handle down when it's done recording
- ** if the full amount of available memory in
- ** the Handle is not used when recording
- */
- result = Record( theSound, whichPort);
- if (result == recordErr)
- {
- /* recording error */
- SysBeep(1);
- DisposHandle( theSound);
- theSound = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* play ok now */
- HiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dPlay);
- }
- }
- /* record ok now */
- HiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dRecord);
- break;
- case dPlay:
- /* UnHiliteDialogItem buttons while playing */
- UnHiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dRecord);
- UnHiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dPlay);
- /* use toolbox's Sound Manager to play the sound */
- SndPlay( NIL, theSound, false);
- /* Ok to Record / Play again */
- HiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dRecord);
- HiliteDialogItem( myDialog, dPlay);
- break;
- case dModemPort:
- ToggleRadioButtons( myDialog, dPrinterPort, dModemPort);
- whichPort = modemPort;
- break;
- case dPrinterPort:
- ToggleRadioButtons( myDialog, dModemPort, dPrinterPort);
- whichPort = printerPort;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* clean-up */
- DisposDialog( myDialog);
- /* dispose of sound, if any */
- if (theSound != 0)
- DisposHandle( theSound);
- }